How to unlock and install Android 4.4/5.1 Lollipop into Xperia U ST25i (Working bootloader unlocking method) Tutorial
First thing first do this at your own risk, also it might void Sony's waranty.
What you need:
- Computer and USB cable.
- Your Xperia U ST25i charged up to 75%.
- Download the Fastboot tool including driver from Here.
- Download this Xperia U driver (in-case you need it) from HERE.
- Download Flash too from HERE.
- Check the debug option in dev menu and unknown sources in security.
First thing first let's check and unlock the boot-loader.
Unlocking the bootloader for Xperia U:
- First lets check if your bootloader is unlocked:
- Now go to Sony official unlocking page HERE.
- Here is the trick now, in the official page "Xperia U" is no listed on scroll menu, you can Select Xperia S instead, many users try it and work, I personally try it and the key work fine.
- next confirm and enter your email then follow the process.
- PLEASE note down your imei code into a safe place.
- After you get the unlock key note it down on a safe place txt file.
- Now connect your phone in fastboot mode (power down xperia the press vol-up and connect the usb cable).
- It's important to check drivers installed.
- Then go Fastboot zip, extract then go to fastboot folder and press shift+right click and select command prompt.
- Type this in the CMD window "fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version".
- You shoult get '0.5' value.
- If yes now type "fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce oem unlock 0xKEY" AND Whange the key with the Key you get from Sony.
- After pressing Enter, your device bootloader must be unlocked.
If you still unable to get the steps just watch the bellow video it meight help:
- Installing CM11 Android 4.4 Custom ROM and Recovery:
- Download The ROM from Here and the Gapp from HERE.
- And if you want to install Android 5.1 Lollipop CM12 ROM download it from HERE and GAPP from Here, (Please not that on this date '02/06/15' CM12 have some problems now like video recording).
- Now run flashtool, install drivers, and click on flash icon->fastboot mode, select Reboot to fastbootmode (adb or fastboot).
- Then select kernel to flash and select the boot.img from the file.
- If you get assert failed on xperia u when installing the CM ROM, then your Bootloader is still locked, you need to unlock it !
- That's it now you can boot to the recovery (Power down, then power the phone when the Sony logo appear press repeatedly on Vol-Down).
- Now go to install and select the CM ROM zip file then the Gapp zip file, then wipe data+cache+dalvik.
That's all, now your Xperia U must boot to the latest CM Android 4.4 or Android 5.1 OS and you'll get a real fast android system.
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How to unlock and install Android 4.4/5.1 Lollipop into Xperia U ST25i (Working bootloader unlocking method) Tutorial
Reviewed by Mhr

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