How to change Windows 10 clock to analog windows 7 clock (Windows tips)
The clock option value is available through Windows register so all you have to do is to change it, so if you want an analog clock instead of the digital one just follow the bellow steps:
- Open the Windows registry tool, press "Winkey+R" and type "regedit" without quotes !
- now navigate to this folder : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell"
- here you'll have to create a new entry DWORD (32-bit) key and name it "UseWin32TrayClockExperience".
- Double click on it and set the value to 1 and click OK.
That's it now you should see the old analog clock when you click on the time-taskbar.
If you don't want to go throught all these steps just download our tow files ready to inject the two value into the regedit using a single click:
Thank you and enjoy :)If you like this article, please share it on facebook, tweet it and +1 it to spread it :) !
How to change Windows 10 clock to analog windows 7 clock (Windows tips)
Reviewed by Mhr

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