Galaxy S4 i9505 Android 5.0 LolliPop How to install the ROM
Please note that this ROM is unofficial by CyanogenMod and we're not responsible for any problems, we'll try to help you on the comments, don't install this if you don't know what you are doing !
i9505 LolliPop Screenshots:
- First thing if you have an official kernel and/or recovery, you need to install a new one such as clockworkmod recovery.
- Download the ROM and the Gapp zip files.
- Then copy the ROM and Gapp to your storage root.
- Now turn your phone off, and boot to the recovery using power+home+vol up.
- Go to install and install the ROM then the Gapp.
- Now do a full wipe reset.
- Reboot, and you're done !
That's it, now you have the Android 5.0 LolliPop installed on your Galaxy S4 Lte, if you have something not working such as SD card or GPS, please wait few days for a fix.
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Galaxy S4 i9505 Android 5.0 LolliPop How to install the ROM
Reviewed by Mhr

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