Haswell graphics comparison (Core i7-4770R Vs i7-4770 Vs i7-3770K) performance benchmarks and test leaked
Benchmark results:
According to the ultrabook benchmark the new i7-4650U 4th Generation of Intel graphics twice time faster than the 3rdG Ivy Bridge i7-3687U, but with a higher TDP up by 11W.
Now here is some benchmark of the High-End products, comparing the Core i7-4950HQ 47W and 55W version Vs the Core i7-4900MQ and the precedent Core i7-3840QM, the result is also 2x faster when comparing the new i7-4950HQ with the i7-3840QM with 10W higher TDP.
Now the most interesting result is coming from the desktop mid-range products, the tests show up to 3x more graphics performance comparing the 3rd generation i7-3770K Vs Core i7-4770R and you can imagine what the performance of this chip playing the current available games, but the questions, will these Iris Graphics stand against the next generation of games engine at the end of this year ?
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Haswell graphics comparison (Core i7-4770R Vs i7-4770 Vs i7-3770K) performance benchmarks and test leaked
Reviewed by Mhr

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