Next Generation games gameplay videos and trailers collection from E3 2013
Bellow a collection of whats expected during the next 12 months on the Playstation 4 and Xbox One, share this with your gamers.
Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain
Let's begin with one of the best games ever in video games history, it's the new Metal Gear Solid 5 from KONAMI, some previous news said that this will be on the PS3, but you can see Xbox One logo, no PS4 logo available, still nice graphics, and totally new gameplay experience.
Battlefield 4:
First video shows 64 players in online gameplay.
Dragon Age from Electronic Arts
Sunset Overdrive
A cool free style action and shooter game!
Dead Rising 3
A kill em all survivor game for Xbox One.
Lost Planet 3
Awesome gameplay, but graphics looks retard !
UFC Debut Trailer
Here you can enjoy some great graphics quality in slow-mo, its UFC combat video game for PS4 and Xbox One.
Mirrors Edge Sequel
Well, this is my game, one of the most attractive video game, just one release on 2010, here is the second one for the next generation of consoles from DICE.
Need for Speed Movie
Actually, this is not a game.
FIFA 2014
Soccer, or Football fans, are you there ? Watch this:
NBA Live 14
NBA Fans, this is is just for you :)
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Next Generation games gameplay videos and trailers collection from E3 2013
Reviewed by Mhr

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