iPhone 5 Vs Galaxy S3 specifications comparison

The latest Apple event show introduced a list of new products from Apple Ipod, Ipad new generation and the flagship iPhone 5, too much talk about this last specially on whats new on the device, performance of the smartphone and specifications.

We release this article to update you with the latest features and tests of the fifth generation of iPhone smartphone, the first one after the death of the Apple's Icon Steve Jobs, so what Apple could bring to their consumers without Jobs innovation, one of the direct rival of the new iPhone is the new Galaxy S3 from Samsung, here we will bring a direct comparison between the two high end devices

Specifications comparison iPhone 5 Vs Galaxy S3:

An official Samsung specifications comparison:

GeekBench iPhone 5 benchmark test result:
First benchmark release of the iPhone5, performance is twice the precedent generation.

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iPhone 5 Vs Galaxy S3 specifications comparison iPhone 5 Vs Galaxy S3 specifications comparison Reviewed by Mhr on 22:23 Rating: 5

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